Monday, October 13, 2014

Time just stopped ...

Today is the day ... making change happen ~
When our Sparky suddenly passed shortly after his 6th birthday time stopped.
Off an on it seemed there was a turning point when acceptance and healing were taking place to only be honest and realize not ... the one constant was all our friends through bloggie stayed safe in our hearts.

Last June by accident but with a hearts desire ... 2 1/2 years after Sparky left on his journey still dealing with sadness we adopted a rescue, with a heartbreaking early start at life, shortly after Angel Sparky's 8th birthday and the healing unknowingly began. Of course it helped to finally acquire Angel Sparky's x-rays from the vet who's office had so many excuses 'not' to relinquish them was head spinning ... and then the heartbreaking loss of the abandon neighborhood cat we took into our family ~ Angel Wishbone ~ 

We learned today our first friend on DWB Miss Lovely Lorenza recently left on her journey the shocking realization of time passed and missed communication now weighs heavy on our hearts ... we shall attempt to reconnect & blog again rather then divert from heartache with FarmTown, of course dear Angel Claudette introduced us to FT when we were in deep grief and it did help us cope but it is time to blog ... it is like waking from a coma ... Hello again we missed you world.

Love CSG mommy


Jans Funny Farm said...

Welcome back to blogging. You have been missed. We were shocked and saddened to learn of Lorenza's passing. We have lost so many friends over the years, including your Sparky. We wish you joy on your journey of reconnection and new friends, much more than you would ever have with FarmTown. :)

Oh, and we hope one of your first acts would be to turn off word verification. We can not figure out what these things say since they changed wv a couple of years ago and we are having a hard time leaving a comment!

Duke said...

How wonderful to have you back ☺

Love ya lots♥
Mitch and Molly

Johann The Dog said...

We missed you my pals!!! So happy you are back. Thanks for stopping by and saying arf!

The Ladies of Beaglebratz Manor said...

Hello new furrend(z) - We r Shiloh-Lord of the Manor an'Diva Shasta. We wuz just snoopin'around Blogville an'came upon your blog. We d-sided we wood follow u so we knew where we cood come bak an'c u.