Wednesday, April 30, 2008

NO Mom! not again...

sheesh mommy is a video monster too!

hmmm we should unstuff her phone


Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Happy Barkieday Kena!

Kena your pawty was a blast! Your sissie Maya is a pawsome pawty planner!
Celebrate ~ celebrate ~ dance to the music ~ it's
Princess Kena's Barkieday!



photographer: Baby & Boy


Deetz Scary Eyes Contest!

DO you know Deetz ? Deetz the Airedale?
Guess what he's inviting every fur to submit their scary eyes!
Sounds way fun huh?! We have seen lots of scary eyes all over the DWB community.
Do any of ya'll remember when we furst started blogging? The picture we used?
Yup lots of furs said yikes... so we will enter it cos it scares us too! hehe

Good Luck Every Fur!
If you haven't met Deetz yet trot on over, hurry!

Monday, April 28, 2008

Celebrations! We Love them!

me Crikit had the best 4th birthday pawty!
me Ginger had the bestest 2nd adoption pawty!
We had such fun at the CHAT Pawty and met so many wonderful friends & new friends!
We so pigged & enjoyed Kena's barkday pawty by pawsome pawty planner Maya!
so many celebrations! such fun! here's some chat pawty pics woohoo
Friday's chat was so fun

our furst ever chat pawty!
Ginger loved being our Friday typist!

way fast & interesting convo!

Saturday was another story
we could only get in fur a hello then...




we got locked (uh booted) out

almost the entire day!

Ginger was getting fustrated and she wanted to play instead

me Crikit told her to have a little more patcience

we asked daddy to check the connection but no luck

but Sparky got frustrated and decided to leave

Sunday ~ we got in!
It was fast & fun convo

We had a pawsome time!
friends & new friends
the pleasure was all ours



Sunday, April 27, 2008

Pawties Woo Hoo

We are so excited to pawticipate in the 2nd Anniversary Chat Pawty!
Never did a chatty pawty before but we are looking forward to it woohoo!
We hear that bloggies get the cold shoulder all weekend long from updates
but oh we wanna meet our friends & new friends!
1 matter of business though incase Rudolf & Goofy don't come to the chatty pawty cos they have a pawty of their own ~ Happy Barkieday Rudolf xo


Thursday, April 24, 2008

Pawties are Pawsome!

At furst us girl's
thought it was so un-cool of mommy
to make us wear pawty dresses
the Princess Crown's were pawsome
then ...
lots of toys!

We especially liked our new purse!
We were dressed & ready to

Lovin every minute!

Then oh my doggie the best part!


it was



Thank you fur all your good wishes!

Ya'll are the best friendzees ever!



Pee ess ~ pee-mail us your addressy fur a pawty favor


Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Thank You Friends!

We love you all fur visiting us
& leaving us happy wishes on our special day
Our hearts are filled with Joy

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Happy Day at our House

Celebrate the Princess' Special Day with us!
Ginger's ~ 2nd Adoption Furever Home Day!

Crikit's ~ 4th Birthday Barkieday!

Here's your Pawty Hat!

& your napkin's cos it's


PIZZA ~ Pawty!
Oh & choose your ~ PAWTY FAVOR!

hey you can take both if you want ~ xo


Thank You!

Thank You!

pee ess~ Happy Birthday Earth


Hey my Black Beauties I Love You Y Sparky

Friday, April 18, 2008

us Black Beauties' are so excited! - Custom comment codes for MySpace, Hi5, Friendster and more

Earth's Special Day too!

Earth Day is April 22nd
Us Black Beauties share celebration with the Earth!
Me Crikit ~ it's my 4th Birthday Barkieday!
Me Ginger am so excited ~ it's my 2nd Furever Home Day!
aka gotcha day or adoption day but I say Furever Loving Family Day!
celebrate with us k?

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Camera Monster Road Trip Pics

Back tracking to our road trip:

The furst thing we saw once we started our trip home was a cemetary fur planes!

Mommy took lots of pictures while Daddy was speeding by but we asked her 'please don't put them all on jus one k?'

Then we hit the road fur the 13+ hour ride home.

woohoo! lets go really fast daddy k?!

Arizona is full of rocks!

And more Rocks!

And way more rocks!

When Daddy slowed down we woke up at this reststop with rocks to climb on, so we were thinking we were gonna get to play!

but daddy only did a drive thru


Next thing you know we're back on the road... dawg

See how excited I was...

Me & Ginger were set to go!
We jus knew Daddy would stop and let us climb a few.

We were sooo excited!

but we ended up disappointed so we went back to sleep

Since we went to sleep we missed the "Things" that kept showing up along the road

We also missed the fire

Apawrently this welcome sign looks the same at each end of this state.
However, mommy got a better picture on the way home then she did going to Arizona.

Mountains & more mountains...

New Mexico is full of Mountains scattered all around.

We saw lots of dust storms jus like the sign says but they were too far off the road fur the camera to pick up.

We found 'GOLD' at least that's what the Continental Divide sign said.

This sign should be in AZ since we saw lots and lots of rocks when leaving that state.

This is what the area of the United States Continental Divide looks like elevation 4000 something

In New Mexico? sure don't seem like the right area to divide the US

We're traveling East, almost to the Texas line and it stinks!!

Thousands and thousands of cows on breeding farms and it stinks!

Mommy gags and gags and gags and we stress cos she sounds horrible and the air stinks!

This is what we see when coming back into TX at the state line sign.

Dad's speeding cos mommy has sensitive smelling and she gags like furever!

This is the Texas entry overpass and yup dad's speeding, mom's a gagging and trying to take pics too!

How crazy is that?!

And... we are in!

The Texas welcome sign and since it's almost dark, camera monster will have to stop cos the digital camera is full and so is the disposable flash camera. woohoo!

now... about 9 more hours to go
