Thursday, July 5, 2007

Psst... event 5

Missing the hub so I went out to piddle with the side yard.
Odd day for events though...
Event 5
This one is just odd. Our neighbor across the street though his driveway is by our side yard, for some reason lately does not speak to me. Ever since our sub had a garage sale and I walked over an ask him and his wife if they would translate some information for a shopper. The wife who I rarely see outside of the house looked at me like I was an alien but she didn't speak. It just so happened though her visiting sister walked over and purchased from us. Her sister and I had a short conversation and I mentioned how happy I was 'her' health had turned for the better. I can only speculate that sister went back and mentioned it and Grandpa, which is our nickname for our neighbor, must have gotten scolded for conversing with me/us. I suggest that because after that incident, even my husband noticed the change in his behavior. He doesn't look over too often any more or wave when we do catch eyes. How our houses are set, we can even see each other when we walk out our back doors onto our high decks since the height is above the fence lines. But he don't look around and wave anymore. Once in a blue moon he will make a short comment to my hub when hub is edging the side yard but it is obvious he avoids turning when I am out. So what did I do? being all feisty an all today - from all the events... especially since I have my big black dog with me how can you not notice when you walk out to get your garbage can 20' away... so I didn't say anything until he came out for the third time and then I gave him a compliment on his two twin granddaughters he had just put in his truck. He seemed anxious but agreed with me and then added that they won the 4th of July kid parade ride... go figure; I hope the grandma wasn't peeking out the window so grandpa don't get it... odd behavior I tell you, I have stories I could tell...
Well, I then put Crikit in the back and brought out the boy. Sparky is so good when he is out front by himself and doesn't need a leash. If their all together they sometimes take on a gang mentality if someone or something agitates one of them. Sparky though stays close to me most all the time. Crikit does unless she sees a little dog or cat but Sparky... good boy. So after I gave him some time out front I went and got the baby, Ginger. She is a sweetheart too and never needs a leash at anytime. She prefers to stay glued to me. However, once it started sprinkling we all came in and it was time for me to vent!
Can you believe all these events happened before 11:00 AM? golly geezzz

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