Thursday, January 31, 2008


Sparky here ~
since mommy cuddles us more then playtime with us
and with daddy still gone, we've been napping a lot
day-dreaming about our ride with daddy...

I thought is was gonna be us boys & I was so happy!

but then the girls hopped in and their tails can be dangerous!

I wasn't happy and the girls knew it

mom told us be nice & no pushing

I couldn't help it ~ I pouted out the window









Ginger went to the other window to pout but look

she looks like she has rabbit ears!

Dad comforted us

he made Ginger smile really big & then...

we all remembered Daddy's home

and we all enjoyed the outting!

Mommy said daddy is coming home soon but it's not soon enough!

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Snowball Thank You! xoxo

We may have been gloomy all day without daddy to play with but then, while we were relaxing this evening waiting fur mommy to say 'lets go up to bed now kids' we remembered...
our friend Y Princess Snowball Y
gave us these!

We're gonna enjoy them fur a while before we pass them on to keep us cheered until daddy comes home. Hope no one minds too much. Thank you Snowball fur this Special Award xoxo Y

Monday, January 28, 2008

waaaah~ Daddy Left Again!

Remember our "Daddy's home" video's on Friday?!
Well, no wonder he took us fur a ride yesterday &
We were so happy!
He knew he was leaving again today! He never traveled fur work but once a year fur a weekend only. So what is going on! We love mommy but we need daddy here too so we can be completely happy. This is jus terrible... we need love licks Y

Saturday, January 26, 2008

Goodbye Dear Friend

This is difficult to share, our dear friend Clive has crossed the Rainbow Bridge to God's Garden. Though it is difficult for his family and all his friends, it is comforting to know he will no longer have pain, plus he is reunited with his brother Buster. We are heartbroken and tears are falling. Please go comfort his family, we know Clive would appreciate it.
Love Licks Y

Daddy's Home!

Sparky reporting...

so mommy don't know how to work her new phone
but you get the jest, right?! Daddy's home!

I got wacked by the girl's tail's & it hurt!

Mommy hit something & interupted our video so...

Ugh! she did it again!

by now we're beginning to calm but gosh mom ~

Friday was just the best! Daddy's Home!!!
Thanks friendzees fur all your support

We jus can't figure out how to you can hear us!
We were quite vocal, you'll jus have to take my bark fur it

Thursday, January 24, 2008

we have no umph

since daddy
is still gone

not even
our treats
interest us Y Y Y oh plus 1 fur mom Y

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Dad got away but...

we convinced mom to take us to look fur him we jumped in her car and didn't budge!

Can you tell which one is me 'Crikit'?
Sparky stayed behind just incase Dad returned
plus he took the pics but
we had no luck

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Prayers needed!

Clive is not well. Please send up prayers.
Your visit will help both our dear friend Clive and his mommy
they need some love

wish us Luck!

We're guarding the door cos mom is packing fur dad
We're gonna block him from leaving

hey, Sparky & I, Crikit, kinda lay like twins?!

who knew?!


Monday, January 21, 2008

totally blue...

It's still cold, it's wet and we're stuck inside. Daddy's leaving fur even colder weather and WITHOUT US! buurrr Wisconsin then Ohio and then North cold Texas! We don't want him to go. We're totally blue

Friday, January 18, 2008

where's the SNOW?

last year ICE ~ this year pellets

1-year ago this week we had ICE not the beeuutiful stuff some of our friendzees are showing us but after seeing LacyLuLu's snow yesterday... well, as memory serves: this week last year we experience our 1st real freeze and we were not prepared fur this... it was cold and well Sparky had out grown his sweater.

that's Ginger in the upper left me on the right and cold Sparky not wanting camera monster in his face. Never noticed I had out grown my sweater too! We stayed on deck cos the stairs were covered with ICE that we could not go down to potty. I barked at Sparky that his tongue was gonna stick but he wouldn't listen, then... I had to bark at Ginger cos she was following Sparky's lead!Good thing the ICE was gone after about two days cos Ginger would not potty. Silly Sparky only did his business after mom cleared ICE sheets off the grass. As fur me I had to go if ya know what I mean even if I couldn't find any grass. So mom took us out front and chicken dad is waving out the window! The world did look kinda purdy though so camera monster went to town taking pictures till the camera got cold and decided to hibernate. we had to be careful of falling sickles!

(if you click on the pics you can see the intense cold)

We were so frozen in, mom & dad couldn't even take us fur a ride or put out the trash!

Today it's freezing and we have some ice pellets dropping but hello
Where's the SNOW?!


Crikit reporting ~ none to our dismay

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Imagine our surprise!

This is me Ginger if you don't recognize & I came up on deck and found this bag of treats jus sittin there! I jus had to check 'em out... bet you recognized my bat ears huh
Crikit then pushed me aside to see fur herself
but it was Sparky that got caught when the camera monster showed up! ~ Guess what he said ~
Then Crikit beat mom to the post!

Ya'll come over and get one!
pee es ~ sorry Lorenza

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Yeah it's me ~ Crikit ~

Wishing ya'll a day full of treats!

These dental rawhide rolls are some of our favorites
100% natural
Hey ya want one? I've got extra's

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Col. Sam's Travels

Fur those who don't know...
is on a search to find Stain Mecca!
He is visiting all his friends along the way too.
We had fun when he stopped in S. TX to visit us.
Dad took us all fur a ride in the back of the truck.
When Sam developed the picture he sent it to us!
Way cool buddy ~ be safe on your travels!

Follow his adventures to finding Stain Mecca ~ Y

Good Luck Buddy!

Breaking News ~ Woohoo Col. Sam found Stain Mecca! Just intime to fly home and get ready fur his trials! Good Luck in your event buddy.

Monday, January 14, 2008

sleep we need sleep...

Mom woke us up too earlyeven our normally early bird Ginger wasn't ready
Sparky was not very pleased as you can see
and I gave mom a pleading look ~ but it didn't help
we made a mess and mommy insisted she needed to clean right then!
Sparky didn't make it easy but mom grabbed all the pillows and stacked them.
She said it must be cleaned now but...
I (Crikit) was just too tired so as you can see.... I made the best of the situation
what a Sunday... Y

sad heart's YYY

Durango, we'll miss getting to know you but we will meet and play in God's Garden one day. We'll pray for your sad familee