Crikit had the best
4th birthday pawty!~
Ginger had the bestest
2nd adoption pawty!~
We had such fun at the
CHAT Pawty and met so many wonderful friends & new friends!
We so pigged & enjoyed
Kena's barkday pawty by pawsome pawty planner
so many celebrations! such fun! here's some chat pawty pics
woohoo..Friday's chat was so funour furst ever chat pawty!...Ginger loved being our Friday typist!.way fast & interesting convo!.Saturday was another story.we could only get in fur a hello then........we got locked (uh booted) outalmost the entire day!Ginger was getting fustrated and she wanted to play instead
Crikit told her to have a little more patcience
we asked daddy to check the connection but no luck
Sparky got frustrated and decided to leave
Sunday ~ we got in! .It was fast & fun convo.We had a pawsome time!.friends & new friends..the pleasure was all ours..Y