Saturday, March 15, 2008

Marvin noooo

please don't leave
just take a break k?
we will miss you too much and your Jeannie and your bloggie and your beeuutiful music
we don't even get to sniff around your bloggie cos it disappeared
all us DWB'ers will miss you & your mommy too much
you're our looky like kin
Brave Hearted Marvin
Ledgend in Your Own Time


Mack said...

I saw that. That is just so sad :(

Opy - the Original GruffPuppy said...

Hey buddies,

Whilst it is so very sad that Marvin and his mum are taking a break - unfortunately, we must respect their decision, and hope and pray that they will come back one day. (hey, I am a poet :-)

We won't forget them, and I am sure they will look in on us all from time to time.

We all love Marvin and will continue to whether he blogs or not - he and his mum will always be a part of DWB's.


Lorenza said...

Hi, friends!
I am so sad too!
I hope they are ok and whatever is happening with them be solved pretty soon.
Kisses and hugs