that's what I'm doing
Hi Friendzees it's me Ginger
mommy said I get to be on the banner next fur New Year wishes
but in the meantime I will sit purdy with one of the gifts from Koobus
(remember when we had the goodie exchange last year ~ way fun)
This is my Baby Doll and I take good care of her
Oh and mommy said I can blog about our gifts from Rudolf & Goofy soon yeah!
Lots of Love Licks & Playtime
Ginger Out! xoxo
mommy said I get to be on the banner next fur New Year wishes
but in the meantime I will sit purdy with one of the gifts from Koobus
(remember when we had the goodie exchange last year ~ way fun)
This is my Baby Doll and I take good care of her
Oh and mommy said I can blog about our gifts from Rudolf & Goofy soon yeah!
Lots of Love Licks & Playtime
Ginger Out! xoxo
That's a very lovely Baby Doll, Ginger. You'd have to guard her VERY carefully around here. Woo.
Cool bed! Cool banner pic! Cool baby doll! Can't wait to see your cool gifts!
Hugs & Snugs
Eduardo the Snuggle Puggle
You did a great job posing for mommy and your toy looks well loved.
w00f's Pups, its sooo nice to c u all back...cant wait fur more from u all..
b safe,
Ginger, we like your baby doll very much. You are good with your toys. We make snow out of the insides within minutes of getting a new toy. Sammy is the only one who doesn't tear them up on contact. Mom usually leaves us with the empty shells so we have something to play with.
You look very pretty in your pose. Your mom is lucky you are such a good girl.
We wish you could come visit. We have lots of space to run around. Maybe you shouldn't come during the summer in case the snakes are back. That means you need to come SOON! OKAY?!?!
Roxie, Sammy & Andy
Hi, Ginger!
You look so beautiful in that picture! I know you take good care of your Baby Doll!
Have fun!
Kisses and hugs
Hi Ginger,
You look like a regal doggie model in your photo. Maybe you should see about getting into magazine ads or something.
I vote for you to be on the banner ad because you are jet black like me :)
Behr Behr :)
Hiya Ginger! You look sooo puurdy in that picture. And yes, we like your new big big banner!
Butt wiggles,
Solid Gold Dancer
The goodie exchange was a blast! We enjoyed it too, Ginger! We can't wait to see you on the banner next time!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Crikit, Sparky and ginger
Thank you so much fow wishing me's a wondewful floofy white stuff that's fun to play in..I would gladly shawe it wif you.
Gingew you look gweat wif youw Baby Doll..
all of you look gweat on NewYeaws Headews..I hope all of you have a vewy Happy, Healthy NewYeaw
smoochie kisses
I cannot wait to see you on the banner!
Hopefully not too long!
love and licks, Marvin xxxxxx
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