Monday, December 10, 2007

Got an extra Doggie Prayer 4 Roxy?

We just learned that our little black beauty friend
Roxy ~ aka ~ The Devil Dog is not well and having miserable days; plus a really worried family. It would be nice to
paw-it-forward and trot over to cheer them up.
That way your extra doggie prayers can help Roxy start getting better like our dear friend Lorenza who is now yeah on the road to better health
Thanks pals


Snowball said...

Hope that Roxy will feel better soon. I will keep my paws crossed for him.


Lizzy said...

Hey guys, thanks for the best friends award!

I really hope Roxy feels better soon!


Lorenza said...

Hi, friends.
Sure me and my mom appreciate your prayers.
I am going to visit Roxy to know how she is doing. Thanks for telling us about her health.
Have a good night

i said...

Hope Roxy will feel better soon.

Marvin -The Hollow Hound said...

I have been over to Roxy's place and wished good health wishes, poor wee sweetheart.

I have sent you an E Christmas Card, I hope you get it soon!

love and Christmas Licks, Marvin xxxx

Amber-Mae said...

Oh, I will head over to her blog now...

Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer

Ferndoggle said...

We're heading right over! Thanks for the heads up...we DWBers really take care of our own.

Sherman, Penny & Lola