Friday, December 14, 2007

Christmas Cards a coming woohoo!

Thank You
King King!
What a lovely card & you posed so good in the antlers!

Merry Christmas!

Marvin we got your e-card & we plan to post it.
Dory we got your e-card too but we can't get it open...
mom's still trying
Thank you all for sending us these wonderful wishes!
We are blessed to have such wonderful friendzees


Lorenza said...

Hi, friends.
As you know my mailman is being very slow bringing my cards, but I am so happy with the ones I've gotten.
King King looks very cute with his antlers!
Have a good night

Kodak the Eskie said...

Looks like head gear is the newest fashionable doggie accessory! King King is so cute with the antelers and then there is Cricket and Ginger looking not so happy about the hats!
Have a great weekend,

Thor and Jack said...

That´s a beautiful card! King King look so happy in that photo!

Love and licks

Marvin -The Hollow Hound said...

oh I am so pleased you got my e card!

I am feeling much better today although a wee bit sore, and have a wee bit of a swollen thing goin on around my operation scars. I am being kept warm and fed and am not allowed walkies. I go back to the Vets on Monday for another check.

But Jeannie cannot sort our blog banner out, it is driving her crazy, the photo has been taken off now 'cos the one we had on which was perfectly good and looked fine was suddenly all squashed up.

Bloomin' blogger!

any picture she puts on seems to be tooooo darn big and looks just silly.

Oh well, worst trouble at sea!

love and licks, Marvin xxxxxxxxxxxx

Jake of Florida said...

Whoops, we tried two messages on the c-box -- but they didn't come through.

What we said is: Thank you for the adorable card and photo. We love Sparky's expression and are grateful fur our new friends!!


Jake and Just harry

Amber-Mae said...

That's a very nice e-card from King King. He looks really funny in his reindeer antlers, hehehe!

Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer

Girasol said...

i glad that i don;t sing hehehehe thank you for the card.

Crikit, Sparky, Ginger! said...

Hi Friendzees!

Lorenza we wanna come snip at your mailman he is draggi;ng out your joy, shame on him. LL

Clive we like your accessory the purdy Christmas necklace. Maybe mom will look & learn... LL

Thor hi yup our friend King King does. Nice of you to visit! LL

Marvin we are so happy you are on your way to recovery & dawg if that banner thingy won't work, same here every picture... what is a dog to do? LL

Hi ya Jake & Just Harry it's new so we guess it wasn't working right but we got them woohoo! LL

Amber-Mae & sissies he does right? but can you believe these humans? what do they want reindeers? our mom too! LL

Girasol you must be speaking of Ginger hehe we love that you came to visit! LL

waggin tails & sniff & of course Love Licks to you all!