Sunday, December 9, 2007

Beds! Beds! We got New Beds!

Can you believe it! WooHoo
Even though we got in trouble we got new beds! It must be cos of your comment Happy ... mom & dad probably didn't want us to run over to your place hehe wow we got in trouble, got out early & got new beds!

we now know why we got new beds ~
they were probably for Christmas but mom & dad were going to a Christmas Pawty last night and they KNEW they were gonna lock us in the kitchen with new beds hoping we would sleep the evening away after enjoying a new chew. kinda didn't know if we should be happy or mad.


well they did go to play with us in their fancy duds when they got home but they kept saying sssshhhhh and then made us come in and go to BED! what is up with that?! we got enough sleep! we wanted to run and play but to bed they made us go ... yup planned conspeercee we tell you!


at least before they turned off the light they gave us some fillet mignon from the doggie bag ooooohh sooooo gooood ... they were soo 4giiiven & oh the beds oooowe are so squishy & mom put them on top of our other pillows so now we have high beds woohoo!

anyone wanna come over for a nap?
snuggle wuggles 4 now friendzees


B said...

You guys got really cool new beds!!

Lorenza said...

Hi, friends.
New beds?? You three are very lucky! And you all look comfy on them!
Fillet mignon?? Wow! I am on a diet and you are talking about that! Not fair!
Have a nice day

wally said...

Hi guys! Nice to meet you. I had to stop by because I saw your card over at Lorenzas and Crikit and Ginger look JUST LIKE my sister Ethel! Cool!


Snowball said...

Nice beds. Isn't it fun to be rewarded for doing things that the hooman do not know how to appreciate?


Jackson's J1 and J2 said...

Oooo, those beds look comfy! J x

i said...

Ooh what comfy beds! You guys are soooo lucky!

*cough cough* can I come over instead? hehe..

Amber-Mae said...

Nice beds!!! Bet they are nice & comfy...

Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer

Emma the Golden Girl said...

and the Canine Kids said,
We are so jealous of your beautiful new beds. They look so comfy and cozy for a snooze on a long winter's night. Enjoy!

Hazel Bridges said...

Hi Guys

I got a new bed too, Pawsome eh!

Charlie Boy