Well this is date day for M&D but gosh do they have to leave us in the kitchen? I know they gave us new chews, they don't stay away long but I wanna go play! I want to guard my yard ...
Helloooo I need to bark ~ Ginger
I want to take my chew outside... so gosh dad and you too mom
do you have to leeave... ~ Sparky
Why can't I go? I don't want a stinking chew I wanna go for a ride...
don't leeeeeave ~ Crikit
I know your leaving, you can't fool me, maybe if I stay underfoot you will realize
you need to take me too! ~ Crikit
Figures... your both home and now your not going to go outside with us? what your leaving?
~ Sparky
No worries I will guard the house but hurry home ~ Ginger